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Education as a means to serve humanity and build values

 Education is a systematic process through which a child or an adult acquires knowledge, experience, skill, and sound attitude. In Rig-Veda, education is regarded as " the force that makes an individual self-reliant as well as selfless."It makes an individual civilized, refined, and educated. The education given at earlier stages of an individual helps in the development of attitude, competency, and shapes character. Every society gives importance to education because it provides the solution to all problems. Education is a process that tells how to live life well: how to find happiness: how to make others happy: how to manage all kinds of people and how to grow and succeed in the right manner. A person becomes perfect with education as he is not only gaining something from it but also contributing to the growth of a nation. 
Moreover, education is a vehicle of knowledge, self-preserving, and success. It not only gives us a platform to succeed but also knowledge of social conduct, strength, character, and self-respect. 
The importance of education is to empower an individual to succeed in the future. Success may be calculated in terms of monetary and respect at work. Education is necessarily a process of value inculcation among the learners so as to help them lead a good, productive, self-satisfying, and cooperative community life in accordance with the cherished values of humanity and the ideas of society. 
A hurry-up society lacks a sense of community and fraternity. The peer exerts a powerful influence on value development. The issues related to drug abuse, irresponsible sexual behavior, vandalism, commercialization, stealing,cheating, and confusion between heroes and celebrities as role models are witnessed more often than ever before. In a general sense, parents, schools and the public feels that our youth has lost the sense of civility, respect, and responsibility. The children and youth need to be educated to practice the commonly held values of harmony and peace with self and others. The fact is today's children are envoys of the future society. Therefore, value education is very essential for children at the school level as it trains them to become good citizens in the future and it also necessitates the awareness of values and value education. 

Values regulate and guide human behavior and action in day-to-day life. Values are embedded in every word we speak or write, what we wear, our way of interaction, our perception and interpretation of others, and so on. Values are formed on the basis of interest, choice, needs and desires, and preferences. these comprise the nuclei of value formation. The value thus is considered to be an enduring belief upon which human beings act by preferences.
India is thus in need of value-based education and Teaching system which inculcates values among the young children that they need to imbibe and embalm within them. The value-based education imparts social, moral, integrity, character, spirituality, and many more characteristics. It builds quantities of humility, strength, and honesty in a person. They become a better citizen of the country. 

Education should not only preserve the social heritage but also be able to enrich it. Education being a multipurpose process not only inclucates social, economic, and cultural awareness in humanity but is also an important medium for grasping and promoting life-enhancing values among human beings. Education can decide the fate and future of our country and society. It equips the youth of the nation with a rational and pragmatic approach to life. It helps society to value life and work for the betterment. 



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